ES News
By Ms. Esther Park, ES Director Club Activities After-school clubs are in full action in elementary. We hope that students will find their gifts and interests through these clubs. Here is the list of brand new clubs we are offering this semester: “All About Animals”, “Grammar Club”, “Basketball for SKAC”, “Bible Adventure” “Book Reading […]
MHS News
By Ms. Ji Hoon Suh, MHS Student Life Director HS SQ Test During the student orientation, high school students learned about the SQ(Spiritual Quotient) test and took it themselves. The SQ(spiritual quotient) is a fundamental intelligence that God gave only to humans. It pursues profound values and integrates the being, life, happiness, etc. altogether that […]
Library News : Apr-May Reading Event
By Ms. Hee Jung Lee, Librarian 2022 HIS Library Reading Program ‘If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.’ _ Mark 4:23 The Reading event for blooming April will be “Song for little things.” Jesus speaks in parables in the Bible. Parables help us to realize the truth beyond language. A mustard seed represents […]
Seasonal (Spring) Eye Disease Prevention
By Ms. Jiwon Lee, School Nurse Eye diseases usually occur during summer but can also occur during spring due to yellow dust, etc. Allergic Conjunctivitis Pollen or yellow dust are the main causes. When you get allergic conjunctivitis, your eyes become red and itch severely. In extreme cases, the surrounding of your eyes may swell, […]
Flowers Blooming in the Season of Christ
By Ms. Sei Yeon Choi, MHS Academic Director Grass Flower – Ra Tae-jooPrettyWith a close lookLovelyWith a long gazeSo are you. This year, as always, we see flowers blooming with the start of spring. Though they remain in the same place, each season brings different growth. It is easy to take it for granted, but […]
Transformation Through the Renewal of Mind
By Mr. Sungmin Park, MHS Bible Teacher Transformation through the renewal of mindRom 12:2 is our theme scripture for this year: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and […]
New Teacher, Student Teacher Introduction
New teachers and student teachers are serving for HIS for the 2022-1 semester. Please welcome them! Mr. Changmin Kwak | MHS English Teacher Major : International Studies, Languages and Literature(English), U.S. and International Law (UIL) Experience : English Teacher for Middle & High School Students and Director of High School Division, B2B Marketing Business Planning and Translating […]
ES Orientation
By Ms. Esther Park, ES Director To start another wonderful school year, elementary students had Student Orientation on March 2 & 3. Grades 1 ~ 6 are mixed together in a team and sixth grade students are the leaders in each team.Students visited 6 stations (library, chapel, courts, cafeteria, zoom manners, hallway/bathroom) to learn and to […]
MHS News
MHS OT and Team Activities From Mar. 2nd to 4th, HIS had Student OT, where students learned the rules and the culture of HIS. As part of the OT, there were also various team activities so that they got to know more about one another as members of the community. On March 16, middle and […]