2025 Admissions Information Session
1st 2024.08.17(Sat) Seoul Yangje Onnuri Church 2pm / 2nd 2024.08.31(Sat) Handong International School 2pm


Co-curricular Activities

Handong International School co-curricular activities are aimed to cultivate creativity, help students discover and develop their talents within the community, and provide a practical outlet for what they learn in the classroom.

Elementary School Co-curricular Activities

Elementary co-curricular activities are divided into the areas of Specialized Programs, Event Programs, and After-School Programs.

1 | Specialized Programs

EPE (English Practice Everyday): During the school day, students are required to communicate in English in order to improve their English skills.

ESL (English as a Second Language), KSL (Korean as a Second Language): The ESL and KSL programs take place during class or after school and are offered to students who need supplementary language instruction.

Scholastic Literacy Pro online reading program: This online reading program run by publishing and education company ScholasticⒸ allows students to read English books online while also assessing their reading comprehension.

2 | Event Programs

3 | After-School Programs

After-school clubs allow students to discover and develop their interests. Each club is supervised by a teacher, and students are allowed to join more than one club.

2024 Regular Clubs * Clubs offered may vary by semester

Praise Team


Picture Books
(그림책 클럽)

Korean History
(한국사 이야기)


Jigsaw Puzzles




English Handwriting
(영어 손글씨)


Recycling Design
(리사이클링 디자인)



Cello for Beginner
(초보자를 위한 첼로)

Creative Debate · Essay Writing · Chinese Letters
(창의 토론 · 논술 · 한자)



Middle & High School Co-curricular Activities

Middle & high school co-curricular activities can be divided into Independent Activities, Club Activities, Community Service Activities, and Career Activities.

1 | Independent Activities

Students are given the opportunity to plan and prepare their own events, and in the process develop their gifts and serve each other within the community.

2 | Club Activities

After school, students can participate in various academic, arts, or sports-related clubs. Regular clubs are organized and guided by teachers and student-led clubs are formed and led by students themselves. Students may join one regular club (compulsory) and one student-led club (optional).

Homeroom Activity
Community activities arranged by homeroom.
Team Activity
Community activities taking place in teams made up of grades 7-12. 
Community Week
A week of activities that enables students to socialize and develop community spirit.
Camping Trip
A 3-day trip within Korea, including activities such as a 100km walk, hiking, participation in local events, or career exploration.
Spirit Week
School anniversary event taking place in the last week of May, including various community activities and special programs such as Blue & Grey Day, Sports Day, H-Festival, and Banquet.
Variety Show
Annual school arts festival, including dance, music, and acting performances with a biblical theme, planned and produced by students and including the participation of the entire middle and high school.
Friday Evening Worship
Prayer meetings led by the Student Council.
SKAC Competitions
Southern Korean Activities Conference. Students can participate in various events and competitions in sports and academics with other international schools in the Daegu, Gyeongbuk, Busan, Gyeongnam, Gwangju, and Jeonnam areas.
Handong Premier/Basketball League
Intramural sports organized by the Student Council.
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2024 Regular Clubs * Clubs offered may vary by semester

Outdoor Activities
(몸을 살리는(몸살) 아웃도어)

Level Up: Self-managed Club
(레벨업 자기관리)

Classic Film
(클래식 영화)

Cocoboco : Book Reading
(코코보코: 도서부)

JCCM: Japanese CCM
(일본어 찬양)

Communication Design
(커뮤니케이션 디자인)

Mountain Climbing

(기타 연주)

Crop Science Biotechnology

Freestyle Futsal
(프리스타일 풋살)

Handong Reporters

Korean Writing

MS Boys Basketball
(중등 남자 농구)

MS Girls Basketball
(중등 여자 농구)

Prayer For the World

Creative Thinking in Math

Reading and Essay Writing
(독서 논술)

Basic Piano Chords
(피아노 코드 반주)

Local Engagement
(지역사회 참여: 두드림)

Translation of the English Book
(희망 영어책 번역)

(비즈니스와 마케팅)

English Debate Team
(영어 토론)

College Essay Workshop
(대학에세이 워크숍)

Counseling Psychology
(상담 동아리)

Hansori Broadcast
(한소리: 방송)

Art Project
(아트 프로젝트)

Music Project
(음악 프로젝트)

(Journal Club)

2024 Student-led Clubs * Clubs offered may vary by semester

(카다쉬: 워십댄스)

(International Youth Diplomats Korea: 국제 관계, 외교)

3 | Community Service Activities

Through community service, students can practice love for their neighbors and share with the community. There are three main types of community service activity.

- Service done as a group within the school (e.g. cleaning)
- Service done independently within the school (e.g. praise team, interpretation/translation, reading club)
- Service done independently outside of school

4 | Career Activities

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