2025 Admissions Information Session
1st 2024.08.17(Sat) Seoul Yangje Onnuri Church 2pm / 2nd 2024.08.31(Sat) Handong International School 2pm


HIS education in the arts encourages students to discover and
develop their talents through various artistic experiences and to live creatively.

Elementary School


In elementary school, music and art classes are offered in all grades. Through music class, students develop musical foundations and learn how to make music by combining beats, melodies, and voices in various ways. Those who are interested can learn more about music by joining after-school clubs such as orchestra, choir, or praise team. The annual Music Showcase allows students to present what they have learned during the year.


In art class, students can express their thoughts and emotions through shapes and colors. After-school clubs in crafts, origami, and calligraphy are also available. Students create art with Biblical themes for the annual Creative Art Contest.

Middle & High School


In middle school, all students take music classes, where they learn basic music theory and listen to various genres of both Western and Korean music. Students also use different online/digital tools for projects creatively integrating music with other academic subjects.

In high school, music is an elective class offered to 10th grade as Music, 11th grade as Music & Performance, and 12th grade as Music & Life. The 11th grade musical is a proud tradition at HIS, which combines spirituality with musical performance. Students perform the musical for the inmates of Gyeongbuk 2nd Penitentiary. Music classes also provide opportunities for students to use online/digital tools for creative convergence classes. Other than classes, students can also participate in extra-curricular activities such as band, busking or Music Project clubs.


Art class helps students use their God-given talents and develop their capacity to experience beauty in Creation. In middle school, all students take art classes, where they learn the basics of painting, design, crafts and sculpture.

High school art classes are elective and students explore practical applications of art. Students wishing to major in art are encouraged to think about how to glorify God or exert a positive influence within the field. Through activities and projects, students can experience art-related careers such as advertisement design, musical art production, character design, fashion design and interior design. The Advanced Design course gives students a taste of university-level industrial design classes. Students can also work on admissions artwork and portfolios during after-school clubs.