(by the School Violence Prevention Education Support Center)
Dear HIS Parents,
We have received a newsletter to parents for the prevention of school violence (2022 Vol. 03) issued by the School Violence Prevention Education Support Center in the Korean Youth Policy Institute. Because it is written in Korean, we provide the main information from it in English below.
4 ways to change a child’s attitude with dignity and without anger
- Remark on the child’s behavior itself rather than speaking emotionally.
- Be considerate of the child’s heart.
- Let them find their own solution.
- Use expressions that give a sense of solving “together.”
Guiding children to improve self-expression
- Check on what happened.
- Check on the child’s emotions.
- Ask your child what they want.
Let’s try having a good conversation:)
- Try to express how you felt using expressions with an inviting mood.
- Use the I-message(I statement) speaking method.
- Speak carefully in front of children, when a fight breaks out with a brother or sister, have conversations by quoting proverbs related to speaking.
- Tell your children that you are on their side, and you are proud of them trying to do their best.
March 16, 2023
Post Views: 739