By Ms. Jiwon Lee, School Nurse
Health Self-Check
- Please take the health self-check every day before coming to school.
- If you forget your password or change your phone number contact the school.
- Close-contact students and students at home are also required to take the daily health self-check.
- Confirmed students: Submit Quarantine Notifications via the Health Condition Self-check App
Notes on RAT Kits
- If you have been released from quarantine following a positive test: Test results may remain positive up to 45 days since confirmation (No test needed)
- The RAT kit is a recommendation. Even if testing has not been completed, if students have no symptoms, they may attend school.
- If you do have symptoms, you should remain at home, even if test results are negative.
When there are Confirmed Cases / Close Contacts in Family
※ If someone you live with is confirmed positive
Passive monitoring for 10 days (regardless of vaccination status).
- Can attend school if PCR test is negative.
- RAT: advised to take on the 6th~7th day
※ If someone you live with is a close contact (according to quarantine authorities) - Attend school without quarantine
- RAT : advised to take during 6~7th day
When You are Confirmed Positive for Covid-19
- 7 days of quarantine required. After quarantine, you may attend school again without a PCR test.
- Dorm students: Include roommates as cohabitants in the epidemiological test.
- For at least 3 days after release from quarantine, wear a minimum KF94 grade mask and refrain from using public facilities or having private gatherings.
- Even if another cohabitant test positive for COVID, you may attend school when your quarantine is over.
- After you have been confirmed positive, you do not need to take RAT or PCR tests for 45 days.
When You Have Symptoms
- Take a RAT test at a clinic or at home.
- Even if the test is negative, if symptoms persist, stay at home and recover.
- If you must attend school: you may only be allowed after a negative RAT kit. (Results are valid until midnight on the day of testing)
- If you have taken a PCR test due to epidemiological investigation: you must remain at home (go home) until the PCR test results come out
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