
Digital SAT Announcement in August

Digital SAT Announcement in August

Handong International School will be administering the SAT on Saturday, August 24, 2024. As this is a digital SAT, there are certain things that test takers need to know and prepare in advance, so please follow the College Board’s instructions carefully before taking the test. Takers will receive an email from the College Board if the situation worsens and we cannot proceed with the test. We will also post any changes on the website, so please check your email and the HIS website frequently. (https://his.sc.kr )

Before Test Day  https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/digital/device-requirements

  • 1-5 days before the exam, please prepare for the exam by installing the Bluebook app on your electronic device and admission ticket. 
    Bluebook download: https://bluebook.app.collegeboard.org/
  • If you have a temperature of 37.5°C or higher, suspected covid-19 symptoms, or are not feeling well, you will not be allowed to enter the test center on test day. We ask that you stay home.
  • If the iPad system is unstable, we recommend using a laptop instead. (This is not mandatory)

On Test Day

  • If you’re not feeling well on the test day, we recommend that you stay home and rest.
    (You won’t be charged for rescheduling or canceling your test due to illness).
  • The testing center will be open from 7:45 and closed at 8:00.
    Please note that you will not be allowed to enter the center once the testing has begun.
  • You must stay at least 1 meter from other people throughout the test.
  • Please bring your own water bottle for personal hygiene.
  • Prepare for the Digital SAT
    – A fully charged electronic device (Windows laptop or tablet, MacBook, iPad) with the Bluebook app installed.
    – Admission ticket (electronic or hard copy)
    – Acceptable ID (national ID or valid passport)
    – Pen or pencil to use the scratch (paper is provided by the center)
    – Charging cable
    *Allowed calculator (you can use Bluebook’s built-in calculator)

*Please refer to the College Board’s announcement for more information.

For more information, please contact  suimlim@his.sc.kr