2022.08.09 No-Cut News

한동글로벌학교, 2023학년도 입학설명회 개최 (유상원 아나운서) 한동글로벌학교(Handong International School 이하 ‘HIS’, 교장 백하민)가 2023학년도 신입생 모집을 위한 입학설명회를 오는 20일 오후 2시 서울양재 온누리교회(화평홀)와 27일 오후 2시 한동대학교(오디토리엄)에서 각각 개최한다. HIS는 초·중·고 통합 학력인정 기독교 대안학교로, 성경에 기초한 지성, 인성, 글로벌 교육을 통하여 학생들을 지구촌 전역에서 섬기는 하나님 나라의 일꾼 양성을 목표로 하고 있다.이번 설명회는 […]

2023 Admissions Information Day

We are glad to announce that we will hold the Information Day for 2023 Admissions as follows. If you want to attend, please sign up by scanning the QR code or by clicking the sign-up button below. Thank you.

[HS] 2023 High School Admissions Announcement

Handong International School is a Christian alternative elementary, middle, and high school accredited by the Korean Ministry of Education. We have attached the announcement for 2023 High School Admissions. ※ There may be changes in schedule due to Covid-19.

[MS] 2023 Middle School Admissions Announcement

Handong International School is a Christian alternative elementary, middle, and high school accredited by the Korean Ministry of Education. We have attached the announcement for 2023 Middle School Admissions. ※ There may be changes in schedule due to Covid-19.

[ES] 2023 Elementary School Admissions Announcement

Handong International School is a Christian alternative elementary, middle, and high school accredited by the Korean Ministry of Education. We have attached the announcement for 2023 Elementary School Admissions. ※ There may be changes in schedule due to Covid-19.

[ES] 2022-2 Transfer Admission Announcement(Additional)

Handong International School is a Christian alternative elementary, middle, and high school accredited by the Korean Ministry of Education. We have attached the announcement for 2022-2 Transfer Admissions. ※ There may be changes in schedule due to Covid-19.

[MHS] 2022-2 Transfer Admission Announcement(Additional)

Handong International School is a Christian alternative elementary, middle, and high school accredited by the Korean Ministry of Education. We have attached the announcement for 2022-2 Transfer Admissions. ※ There may be changes in schedule due to Covid-19.