HIS Career Guidance Program
The HIS Career Guidance Program is based on 3C’s in Christ and covers the six years of middle and high school. The goal of the program is to prepare and equip students to serve in God’s Kingdom.
In middle school, students explore their identity, calling, and talents, as they learn about serving in the world.
God & I
Grade 7
Community & I
Grade 8
This World & I
Grade 9
7th Grade
Through scripture, we enable students to establish their identities as God’s children, co-workers, and stewards and help them understand the roles available in God’s Kingdom.
8th Grade
We enable students to understand the calling they have to God’s Kingdom in our families and neighbors and help them to establish their own vision within that calling.
9th Grade
We teach students about the responsibilities they have as stewards to rule and restore various areas of creation and to recognize their own calling within those areas.
High school builds further on the established foundation so that students can more specifically develop their competencies and learn how they can serve with them, with more focused preparation for life after graduation. Vision & Vocation classes guide students in the process of discovering their dreams and preparing for a career.
Kingdom of God
Grade 10
Vocational Calling
Grade 11
God’s Agent
Grade 12
10th Grade
We teach students to view creation through a Christian worldview and further develop their own identities and callings within that framework.
11th Grade
We broaden students’ understandings of career paths through required and elective courses, student-led activities and team activities, thus helping them develop competency and shape their vision.
12th Grade
We enable students to consolidate what they learn through classes and activities, dream about what God’s Kingdom looks like in the real world, and practically prepare for their vision through exploring their areas of interest. Additionally, we help students to set up an effective admissions strategy by collecting and providing information on different career paths and majors.
College Preparation
Students who have grown up in Handong will one day follow their dreams and go out into the world. HIS graduates go to universities within Korea as well as overseas, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Europe. Dedicated counselors provide guidance for both options.
Korean:Overseas university placement for the last 3 years
Korean University Guidance
Academic/Career Counseling, Career Exploration Competitions, Mock KSAT, Essay Editing, Interview Preparation
Overseas University Guidance
Academic/Career Counseling, Online AP courses, PSAT Administration, SAT/AP Testing, School Profile, English Essay Editing, Interview Preparation