Student Language Culture Improving Educational Week
Dear Parents, We will conduct a program for speaking in positive words to ourselves, friends, and family for a month in October. We would like to ask all the parents to join us for speaking in positive words to children at home.
2022.09.22 Becoming a Role Model
Hello, check out our newsletter 2022.09.22 HIS Connection
2022-2 HIS Parents T-Time Operation Plan
Dear HIS Parents, I hope you had a healthy and enjoyable Chuseok break. Following last semester, HIS Parents T-Time will be held this semester as well. Please check the details in the attached file and apply a lot! September 14, 2022 (Wednesday) Hamin Baek, Principal
2022.09.12 Kyeongbuk Maeil
지혜로운 교육으로 도전 극복·변화 선도 (윤희정 기자) “지역과 국가를 넘어 모든 지역, 모든 영역에서 새로운 미래를 열어갈 아이들에게는 도전을 극복하고 변화를 선도하기 위해 ‘양질의 교육’이 필요합니다. 지식만이 아니라 사리를 분별하고 창의적으로 문제를 해결할 수 있는 지혜를 배우는 교육 말이지요.” 최근 취임한 백하민 한동글로벌학교 교장이 밝히는 미래 인재 양성을 위한 핵심 교육관이다. 포항시 북구 흥해읍 한동로 […]
2022.09.02 Taking a Walk in the Forest Path of Handong…
Hello, check out our newsletter 2022.09.02 HIS Connection
2022 Student Health Checkup
Dear HIS Parents, Student health checkups will be conducted to ensure students’ healthy school life. Please see the notice attached below. August 24, 2022 Handong International School
Teenager Gambling Problems & InStop Notice
Dear HIS Parents, we hope you are doing well in this hot summertime. Recently there is an increasing trend of teenagers who are going through a hard time casued by gambling problems. For this, we are providing analytical data of teenagers who had counseling for teenager gambling problems at the Korean Gambling Problem Prevention and […]
Principal Inauguration Ceremony
Dear HIS Parents, We will be holding the Inauguration Ceremony of Principal Hamin Baek at the following: – Aug 23(Tue), 2022 2:00pm – Handong Global University Hyoam Chapel Handong International School
HIS COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines
Dear HIS Students and Parents, The Ministry of Education has recently released the 「COVID-19 Prevention and Management Guidelines for Kindergarten, Elementary, Secondary, and Special Schools (8th edition)」. We are sending out HIS COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines that have reflected the changes as follows. As the number of infections increases, we ask for your cooperation so that […]