Digital SAT Announcement in March
Handong International School will be administering the SAT on Saturday, March 8, 2025. As this is a digital SAT, there are certain things that test takers need to know and prepare in advance, so please follow the College Board’s instructions carefully before taking the test. Takers will receive an email from the College Board if […]
2024.09.09 EBS News
“AI기술로 지역문제 해결”…전국 코딩 인재들 한자리에 (황대훈 기자) [EBS 뉴스12] 4차산업혁명 시대에 맞춰 초중고등학교 과정에서도 인공지능 역량이 중요해지고 있죠. 코딩 인재를 꿈꾸는 전국의 고등학생들이 한 자리에 모여 인공지능으로 지역문제를 해결해보는 경연장이 펼쳐졌습니다. 황대훈 기자가 그 현장을 취재했습니다. [리포트] 컴퓨터를 들여다 보며 프로그래밍 작업에 몰두하고 있는 학생들, 생성형 AI기술을 활용해 앱을 개발하고 있는 겁니다. 지역 고등학생들에게 최신 […]
Digital SAT Announcement in August
Handong International School will be administering the SAT on Saturday, August 24, 2024. As this is a digital SAT, there are certain things that test takers need to know and prepare in advance, so please follow the College Board’s instructions carefully before taking the test. Takers will receive an email from the College Board if […]
[for Korean] 2024학년도 운영위원회 위원(학부모, 교원) 당선 공고문
안녕하세요? 2024학년도 운영위원회 위원(학부모, 교원)이 선출되었음을 붙임과 같이 안내합니다.
[for Korean] 2024학년도 운영위원회 위원(학부모, 교원) 선출 공고문
안녕하세요? 2024학년도 운영위원회 위원(학부모, 교원) 선출을 위한 공고문을 붙임과 같이 안내합니다.
Digital SAT Announcement in March
Handong International School will be administering the SAT on Saturday, March 9, 2024. As this is a digital SAT, there are certain things that test takers need to know and prepare in advance, so please follow the College Board’s instructions carefully before taking the test. Takers will receive an email from the College Board if […]
Welcome to 2024 | Enjoying the warm embrace of our Heavenly Father
Hello? Please dive into HIS webzine HIS Connection as a special edition in 2024, captivating insightful content and exiting stories.
2024 MHS Student Life Regulations
Dear Parents of Middle and High School (MHS), We would like to inform you that the MHS student life regulations have been officially revised as of December 29th through the deliberation of the school leadership committee and Dr. Park’s approval. So Please refer to it.
Digital SAT Announcement in December
Digital SAT Announcement in December Handong International School will be administering the SAT on Saturday, December 2, 2023. As this is a digital SAT, there are certain things that test takers need to know and prepare in advance, so please follow the College Board’s instructions carefully before taking the test. Additionally, as we continue to […]