Recruiting a Secondary Science Teacher (Part-time)

Handong International School (HIS) is inviting applications from Christian teachers for a part-time science teacher position in the middle and high school (MHS) division. *The following information is for non-Korean citizens. Korean citizens are advised to read a separate posting for Korean citizens here. Please click the link below for more information.

Recruiting a Secondary Bible Teacher

Handong International School (HIS) is inviting applications from Christian teachers for a Bible teacher position in the middle and high school (MHS) division. *The following information is for non-Korean citizens. Korean citizens are advised to read a separate posting for Korean citizens here. Please click the link below for more information.

[MHS] 2025-1 Transfer Admissions Announcement

Handong International School is a Christian alternative elementary, middle, and high school accredited by the Korean Ministry of Education. We have attached the announcement for 2025-1 Transfer Admissions.

2024.09.09 EBS News

“AI기술로 지역문제 해결”…전국 코딩 인재들 한자리에 (황대훈 기자) [EBS 뉴스12] 4차산업혁명 시대에 맞춰 초중고등학교 과정에서도 인공지능 역량이 중요해지고 있죠. 코딩 인재를 꿈꾸는 전국의 고등학생들이 한 자리에 모여 인공지능으로 지역문제를 해결해보는 경연장이 펼쳐졌습니다. 황대훈 기자가 그 현장을 취재했습니다. [리포트] 컴퓨터를 들여다 보며 프로그래밍 작업에 몰두하고 있는 학생들, 생성형 AI기술을 활용해 앱을 개발하고 있는 겁니다. 지역 고등학생들에게 최신 […]