마약 등 약물 오‧남용 예방 안내 (Only for Korean speakers)
안녕하세요? 정부 발표에 의하면 최근 10대 청소년이 마약류를 투약하거나 직접 유통에 가담하는 사례가 증가하고 있습니다. 가정에서의 교육과 학부모님들의 이해를 돕기 위한 교육자료를 아래와 같이 안내 드리오니 참고 부탁 드립니다. June 30, 2023 Handong International School
2023 School Education Plan for Safety Incident Prevention
Dear Parents/Guardians, Please refer to the following document of 2023 School Education Plan for Safety Incident Prevention. June 12, 2023 Handong International School
COVID-19 Guidelines Notice
Dear Parents/Guardians, we inform you of the updated quarantine standards and compliance guidelines with COVID-19 confirmed patients as follows, asking to get involved for confirmed students to recover their health and prevent the spread of infection in school. June 2, 2023 Handong International School
Instructions for an Online Application
for an Educational Field Trip ‘온체험(On-che-hum)’
Dear Parents/Guardians, Gyeongsangbuk-do Education Office has developed a convenient online system called ‘온체험(On-che-hum)’. ‘온체험’ helps you to easily and quickly apply for and check the approval result of educational field trip with your smartphone or PC, and to submit the result report. We plan to officially operate it in June after preparing and conducting a […]
Election of the Parent Members for the School Governing Body
Dear Parents/Guardians, According to the revision of related laws on April 19 this year, our school would like to form and operate the first School Governing Body. We inform you of the election schedule as below, please join us to ensure our school education to its own purpose with your active attention and participation. May […]
2023.03.31 Encourage Love and Good Works!
Parent-School Communication Guidelines
Dear HIS Parants, 「HIS Parent-School Communication Guidelines」is attached. Please check it and use it for your business needs. Thank you. March 28, 2023 Handong International School
Drop-Off&Pick Up Safety Guidelines and Campaign
Dear HIS Parents, Please read and keep the drop-off and pick-up safety guidelines below. March 23, 2023 Handong International School
Announcement of the Faculty Devotion Meeting
Dear HIS parents, We would like to inform you about the faculty devotion meeting at Handong International School. March 21, 2023 Handong International School